@article{oai:atomi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000628, author = {林, 正子}, issue = {44}, journal = {跡見学園女子大学文学部紀要, JOURNAL OF ATOMI UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF LITERATURE}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, text, The purpose of this article is to examine the process of printing and circulation of a Vietnamese historical book -- Dai Nam Thuc Luc Chinh Bien(大南寔録正編)which was printed in 1873. Dai Nam Thuc Luc Chinh Bien, its title was identical with the veritable record of Nguyen dynasty (阮朝), was handled by a Frenchman Lu Gia Lang(蘆嘉陵) to a Vietnamese Dui Minh Thi (惟明氏) in French colonial ruled Cochin-China. Through the analysis of the version kept in the Toyo Bunko(東洋文庫), it is clear that the Dai Nam Thuc Luc Chinh Bien was printed in Fo-shan(仏山) in Guang-dong(広東)province of China, and was distributed from Gia-dinh(嘉定) to all the Vietnamese provinces. Furthermore, to examine the applicability of his defi nition on Dai Nam Thuc Luc(大南寔録), as well as the Shi-lu(実録) of the East Asian cultural or Chinese character cultural area (漢字文化圏) in future research.}, pages = {29--51}, title = {『大南寔録』の成立過程(六-A) -嘉定と仏山-}, year = {2010} }